Successufully defended!

Today I successfully defended my dissertation “Enabling and Improving Centralized Control in Network and Cyber-Physical Systems: An Application-Driven Approach”!

I will be joining Facebook@NYC in the fall as a Research Scientist working on data center routing, control, and analysis.

Paper on traffic migration was accepted by CoNEXT 2019!

Our paper on generalizing traffic migration for different kinds of physical and virtual network functions in different use cases was accepted by CoNEXT 2019! This year there were 190 submissions and 32 acceptance.

Paper will be posted after camera-ready. Looking forward to meeting with other networking folks and an exciting conference!

In Memory of Professor Bi

This post is dedicated to Professor Bi who recently passed away. I was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity of joining Professor Bi’s lab as an undergraduate research assistant in my junior year. Back then I was a newbie to research, but Professor Bi saw my motivation and potentials and decided to put me on two of his most important projects led by his postdocs. Professor Bi gave me his full support and guidance during my stay and we eventually managed to submit two papers before I graduated. The experience I had at Tsinghua with Professor Bi was invaluable and the biggest reason I decided to and was able to become a PhD student.

Professor Bi works extremely hard, much harder than any of his students. Yet he’s never overly critical nor harsh on his students. I remember vividly the time I fell asleep during group meeting because I pulled an all-nighter. Professor Bi was not angry nor offended, rather, he felt sorry and urged me to get some rest. Now that he’s not with us anymore, I hope he can rest in peace. I am forever grateful and I will miss you, 毕老师.

Another paper accepted by SOSR 2019!

Our paper titled “ADD: Application-Centric Data-Driven Controller Design” is accepted by SOSR 2019! Can’t wait to present it in April! Stay tuned!

A New Post after Two Years!

Finally got down to update this site. Can’t believe it’s been over two years! So much have happened since my last post. My publication list has 8 papers now instead of 3, and my very first paper is to be presented at SOSR’18! See here for the details: Pausing and Resuming Network Flows using Programmable Buffers.